Author: kshaw

Labor Day Weekend 2015


The pool will be closing this weekend. This will be your last chance this year to see Board Member Vince Jarosz without a shirt, so come out and join the festivities. Thanks everyone for a fun and safe year!

Weekend highlights:

Pool will be open until 10pm Friday through Sunday
We will have games and contests Labor Day Monday starting at 2pm. Including…
The second annual three-on- three water basketball tournament
Under water swimming contest
Dive for money

The annual Dog swim will start @ 5:30.
Pool will close at approx 6:30 to allow the guards time to put away furniture.

Pool Updates/ Night Swim starts this evening

We’re off to a fast start this season with the pool opening to record numbers over Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day Monday alone saw more than 210 people sign-in. With warm temperatures expecting to continue for the foreseeable future, we anticipate high turn-outs throughout the season.

Because of the early heat wave, night swims will start this evening and continue every Friday and Saturday night until 10pm (should interest wane, we may shorten the times to 9pm. Keep in eye on the website of check the pool bulletin board for the latest times).

To ensure enjoyment for all residents, the Board would like to highlight the following areas of emphasis

1. Safety is the first and foremost concern. There has already been one drowning fatality and a several near fatalities in nearby VA and MD community pools. Lifeguards are on duty but it is ultimately the parents responsibility to keep watch over their children. This means being in the water with your child if they cannot swim (even with floaties), being on guard if your child is in the wading pool, and under no circumstances are children under 13 allowed at the pool without a parent or guardian (age 16 and over). See enclosed link with more information on pool safety:

2. The lifeguards are an extension of the Board and enforce the rules the Board has approved. We will likely have guards from previous years mixed with ones that are new to our pool. Each may have different approaches to enforcing the rules. In the end, the guards have final say and the Board will always support them so long as they’re intentions are to promote safety and order.

3. Cleanliness- Please clean up after yourself (and your kids)! We have very liberal policies concerning food and drink consumption at the pool. Nevertheless, please restrict food consumption to the tables or while sitting in a chair. Having two kids of my own, I know for a fact it’s impossible for kids not to drop food/crumbs while walking around. There have been noticeable examples of gold fish, potato chips and orange peels on the deck of the pool. Not only is it unsightful, but it places additional burden on the guards…and it attracts army’s of ants.

4. There will be a 10 to 15 minute break every hour starting at 10 minutes before the hour. Adults, 16 and over, can use this time to swim on their own or with young children so long as they are within their reach. Note, the age of 16 and over differs slightly from the published rules of 18 years of age.

5. The wading pool is for smaller children and babies. Older kids(>5) may use the pool as long as they are not disruptive to the smaller children. The capacity for the wading pool is 7 people. Older kids may be asked to leave if the pool exceeds the limit.

6. The use of water guns, floatation devices, balls, etc are permitted. During peak times, please be respectful as to not disrupt other bathers. Also, standing or hanging on the ropes is not permitted.

7. The back gate is for handicap and baby cart access only. Otherwise, please enter and depart the pool from the shower area. Unwarranted use of the gate is not only a potential hazard but a distraction for the guards.

8. The pool deck can be reserved for birthday parties and other social activities. A calendar is pinned to the bulletin board to reserve the deck (on a first come/first serve basis). Please be sure to clean up after your party. Ask the guards if you need a hose or broom to clean off the deck.

9. If you have not received your pool passes yet, please complete the form located on the website and submit to Summit Management. Guards are instructed to allow entry, but will be checking more closely in the coming weeks.

We are planning additional changes to the shower rooms, including painting of the floors, new shower curtains, and replacement of toilet seats. We will keep everyone informed on these and any other changes as the season goes on.

The River Farms Conservancy Board